Looker Studio Data Sources, Overview and Best Practices

Looker Studio, formerly known as Google Data Studio, is a powerful tool for data visualization and business intelligence. It enables users to convert data into customizable informative reports and dashboards. Understanding how to leverage Looker Studio effectively starts with a good grasp of its data sources.

The Variety of Data Sources in Looker Studio #

Looker Studio supports a diverse range of data sources, allowing users to connect directly to various databases, including Google products such as Google Analytics, Google Sheets, and BigQuery, as well as other SQL databases. Non-Google sources can be also accessed through partner connectors available in the platform.

One key advantage of Looker Studio is its integration with Google Sheets, which provides a simple yet flexible way to create dynamic reports. You can find a guide on integrating Google Sheets with Looker Studio here.

Establishing Connections #

Connecting your data to Looker Studio is straightforward. It requires selecting and authorizing the desired data source, which can be achieved through the 'Create' menu. Once linked, data sets can be manipulated and presented in various visual formats such as charts, tables, and graphs.

Best Practices for Utilizing Data Sources in Looker Studio #

1. Ensure Data Accuracy:

  • Always double-check that the data sources connected to Looker Studio are reliable and accurate. Erroneous data can lead to misleading insights and poor business decisions.

2. Opt for Segmented Data Sources:

  • For complex analysis, consider segmenting data sources. This allows for more detailed and focused analyses, enhancing both the performance and the granularity of reports.

3. Regularly Update and Review Connections:

  • Data sources should be regularly updated and reviewed to account for any changes in the data structure or in the business logic. This ensures that reports remain relevant and accurate.

4. Leverage Caching Where Appropriate:

  • Looker Studio offers data caching options to improve report loading times. However, for dynamic and frequently updated data, it might be best to reduce the caching duration or update the cache periodically.

5. Optimize Data Blending:

  • When blending data from different sources, closely monitor the impact on performance and accuracy. Blending large datasets can be computationally expensive and might lead to timeouts or errors.

6. Use View-Level Filters for Enhanced Security:

  • Implementing view-level filters can help in managing data access
